

IDSRV Netvork operates an advanced in house automated rseller
program. Astate of the ant server farm with the ablily to separatle you
and your customers onto your own vitual or physial servers.
For esss than you would think you can now start your own ntenet
Hosting buiness. You can start with tt experence and minimal
taining. We now have the ablly to set you up with verything you
need loget sarted Re sel any of our service oferings at comptive
raltes. Manage and operate your own services icluding lling,n from a
web interface.
We ofer many eclusive and excting sevices and are wlin to let you
rese them lor a proft The time is now. The oporunil is here. OurT-

  1. iber cnnection to the inenet bings the word to your customers
    with “world-class” speed and dependabilty.
    There is a minimum 8350 sarup fee for the basic serice ofering.
    Not al sevices are avilable with al plans Detals, statup ees and
    ronthy fe vany depending on the serices you Want to ofer Monthly
    fees start as low as $250 dlars If you think you can market or sell
    any of the services isted below in your communty, or on the web, this
    is your future.
    Visit or contact us for more infomation.